Monday W.O.D. - Day #3 of 3:1 Cycle

Back Set - Bar On Shin - Loaded Heels - PULL!!!!!

  • Foam Roller - Free Elements
  • AirSquat x15
  • Samson Stretch x10 steps
  • Pigs On Skates x20 steps
  • Hand Stand Hold x1minute
  • Hanging Hollow Rock x20
  • Snatch Balance w/PVC
  • Bird Pickers x20
  • Leg Swing - Forward/Lateral x12
  • Rolling Pistols x10 total
  • Shoot Thru's x20
**All of the above x2

5 RFtx of the following complex:
  •  Double Under Jump Rope x40 (sub 80 singles)
  • 145 # Deadlift x20
  • Push-ups x20
  • 145 #  Deadlift x10
  • Push-Ups x10
Stay strong!




  1. "Speed Work"
    Ran a mile for time @ 6:25
    Did 8 400's @ 1:30 w/ 1:30 rest. Most of them I beat by about 5 seconds but the last two were a struggle to get.

  2. 22:53 as rx'd with 80 singles

    Early mornings are going to be tough for me for awhile.

  3. 30:34 rx'd with 80 singles. That was really not nice to me.

  4. 30:34 with 145# for some 135# for the rest...no idea where jd switched for me. single unders. that which does not kill me...really fucking sucks.

  5. 17:15 Rx'd -Johnny
