Thursday - Day#3 of 3:1 Cycle MEET @ TRACK

**Wolfpack!  Time for some track work to test your MetCon work capacity.  Airsquats (AS) and Games Push Ups (GPU) are the seasoning for this recipe.  On the the 200m run, we are looking to hold our "POSE" as long as possible.  As a refresher, the pose running method is a running form involving mid-sole/forefoot landings with each stride. If you're  landing on the heel as a first point of contact (a.k.a. heel strike) then you are running UN-naturally.....Experiment: take off your shoes and socks, then try to run barefoot.  See what happens when you heel strike as most running shoes are designed to make you run...trust me, you'll not want to take more than a few steps due to the uncomfortable jarring of the hips and lower back.  

Pose form is a natural method of running.  Think "barefoot" and you'll be in the right frame of mind.   Better yet think about pulling the heel straight up towards your hips by using your hamstrings.  Each  landing should be quick as your objective will be to spend as little time as possible on the ground.  The less time you spend on the ground with each landing, the faster you will go.  A forward lean will permit you to go faster as well.  Why lean forward? The answer is simple.....pose running is a "controlled fall forward".    We will brief it again tomorrow. 


Warm Up:
  • Jumping Jacks x25
  • Mountain Climbers x20
  • Shoot Thrus x20
  • Bushman Pose x1 minute
  • Samson Stretch x20 steps
  • Burpees x10
  • Running Drills x30yds x2- Buttkicks, High Knees, Lateral Shuffle, Light D&D, Run Backwards
"CF 2k"
  • Run 200m
  • AS x50
  • Run 200m
  • GPU x10
  • Run 200m
  • AS x40
  • Run 200m
  • GPU x20
  • Run 200m
  • AS x30
  • Run 200m
  • GPU x30
  • Run 200m
  • AS x 20
  • Run 200m
  • GPU x40
  • Run 200m
  • AS x10
  • Run 200m
  • GPU x50
Stay strong!


  1. I know why I don't check this shit the night before.

  2. 27:30. I think this quote sums up the WOD..."Gritty with pain and betrayal and brutality, it also shines with an unexpected, life-changing love."

  3. 17:09 Rx'd. Great day ...solid warm-up as prep for this w.o.d...my achilles felt great the whole time and my pose held up until last two runs I felt like I fell apart....You're right Mike-GPU can suck it!
    Enjoy the rest...see any comers at KoR on Saturday for a new cycle. -Johnny

  4. 18:45

    That was so much fun.

  5. 18:51 that was fun... And by fun I mean made me want to cry.
