TUESDAY - Day#1 of 3:1 Cycle

I'm pretty sure Wally thinks that Ward, his father, is full of shit!

Warm Up:
  • Running Drills x25 yds
    • Butt Kicks
    • High Knees
    • Dive and Drive
    • Lateral Shuffle
    • Backwards Run
  • Shoulder Mobility
    • Pass Thrus
    • Burgeners 3x3 w/10 overhead squats at each end
    • Games Push Up x10
  • Hip Mobility
    • Bottom to Bottom Squats x25 w/2sec holds
    • Lateral Lunge
    • Wall Sit w/Adduction x1min.
    • Leg Swings
**5 RFTx
  • Turkish Get Up x10
  • Wall Climb x5
Stay strong!


  1. 19:05 35#dumbbell

    **10/4/11 W.O.D
    10:00 AMRAP Hot Dogs w/bun = 8.
    For America.

  2. I actually vomited post-w.o.d. Alcohol consumption can produce such a result....16:38 w/35# Dumbell....miserable...but I'm better for it! -Johnny

  3. Dude, what is a games pushup x10? I am starting Crossfit tooday and plan to meet you guys tomorrow morning. - Thanks, Chris Gannon

  4. 18:58 w/35# DB. Right shoulder failed...again. First 2 rounds completed as Rx'd, last 3 scaled reps to 8/3. Had nothing to do with drinking for 14 hours on the 4th and I did not puke.
