Wednesday W.O.D. - Day #3 of 3:1 Cycle

Warm Up:
Foam Roller - Free Elements
Pass Thru's x12
45# Overhead Plate Hold - 1 minute
Air Squat x12
Bushman Pose x1 minute
Long Stretch x8
Hanging Hollow Rock x12
Rolling Pistols x10

**All of the above x2

C2 Breathing Ladder
  • Row 100m
  • Rest for10 full breaths
  • Repeat 100m attempts until the ERG reads 1,000m
    • 10 attempt limit - The flywheel coast counts
    • Example: Row from 0 to 100m....by the time the flywheel stops, the ERG may read 115m.  Your next attempt will be to to row from 115m to 215m....Rest 10 breaths then row from 215m to 315m.  The final flywheel reading may land on 330....and so on until the ERG reads 1,000m.
**Back Squat
  • 3-3-3-3-3

Stay strong!


  1. 205# squat
    every time we do squats, I'm reminded of this (NSFW or retinas, you've been warned)

  2. 185# Squat- Any more and i'd have a chrysanthemum blooming from my butt.
