www.johnnyswod.blogspot.com - It's where you're at this very moment. What defines this site is me, I'm John J. DiMercurio II, a.k.a. Johnny of Johnny's W.O.D.
I was born in 1967.....that means 2 things and 2 things only. I've been on this planet for 45 years and I grew up in the 70's. CrossFit has been in my life now for well over 5 years. It continues to forge an evolution of body, mind and spirit that I never dreamed I'd experience at this mid-stage of my life.
I'm going to start writing here again. A good number of folks that I come into contact with, friends, family, CrossFit athletes, all seem interested in what I do with respect to nutrition, programming, recovery, etc...
I'm going to finally write like I talk, so here's the warning; I swear ALOT.   I've been described as highly opinionated, funny, american, patriotic, intense, driven, freak for good technique and finally "lone wolf" when it comes to my personal training regimen. There is one thing that matters more on this blog than all of those topics just listed, I care about people that care about themselves. I want to make a difference in the lives of the people that life matters to. Okay, more than one thing matters....alot of shit matters, especially in the world of fitness and how it all goes together.
So there you have it. This site is about topics for functional athletes of all ages, size, skill level and experience. I'm going to try to write with all encompassing fitness on the brain AND I am going to continue to "beat the drum" for that which I believe to be good nutrition, training, recovery and overall lifestyle. I'm doing it for myself and those that care to evolve with an open mind and some logical sense regarding human evolution.
I'll leave you today with this; There exists no one, that I know, that wants to be dead before they're dead....that would be ugly......better to be remembered as alive, while you're alive. If you're going to go out, go out looking like you gave a shit, that it mattered, that you weren't part of a dying breed because you followed the food pyramid that fooled the masses into consuming shitloads of re-engineered foods. Fuck following anything that drives big industry when it comes to food or fitness. Unless a subject, or product, or idea is proven to truly work to the benefit of bettering my life and the lives of others, I really don't want much to do with it. Bluntly put, if it doesn't work, fuck it. Find something else. Same goes for this site.

Enough of the overall philosophy - NEXT WEEK, I'm going to talk on the topic that many ask me about regarding performance nutrition - I'll describe the regimen that I know as "Whole Foods 1st and Additional Nutrition when necessary".  I will also do my best to give some guidance with how to implement it into your world. 
Stay Strong!
-Peace, Johnny

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