Hey everyone! I'd like all of you to know that I wrote this before Catholic Lent started......Lotta' swears in here and some dirty talk....(yep, you guessed it, I gave up swearing for Lent)....I wasn't sure how I felt about all of the important content within what follows here in Johnnys' W.O.D. - but I decided to say "what the heck" and publish it just as it is.... Here goes -ENJOY
Johnny here - Hope you're all doing fan-fucking-tastic! More importantly, I hope you're figuring out how to stay mobile and eliminate all that lactic buildup that's making you walk around like you have a stick up your ass......I'm actually deflecting that on you because of my oversight....Johnny-Hurts-A-Plenty ---- and NO you cannot buy that shit at 7-11. The asshole with horns on my left shoulder (my conscience) is barking at me saying "You're the one that decided to do the 300+ AirSquats, or the 120 PullUps coupled with the 90 Hand Release PushUps at Millenium Falcon speed!
TODAY - RIGHT FUCKING NOW .....I'm going to talk about something that I experience often and I know many others do too when it comes to CrossFit or functional training. As CrossFit Athletes, we get knocked alot for all kinds of shit that most folks would never dream of doing. Whether it's repetetive high speed olympic style weightlifting or technique that turns to shit under physical duress...It is a by-product of what we do, but NOT one that we have to accept. In fact, I implore you to go above and beyond that shitty boundary (where all the fucking sniping non-exercising shitbags hang out) and use the following words to your advantage....Get Strict or Get Injured....sounds simple enough right? Do this and you WILL be able to physically afford the opportunity to keep coming back to the box day after day. Get Strict or Get Injured is a philosophy that will minimize the potential for injury over time. To clarify, we, as athletes, need to practice not only the total movement, but the accessory movements and progressions to that movement. Progressions are the movements that help you train up to being able to accomplish the overall movement. Accessory movements are those exercises that help you strengthen and polish all that surrounds the movement in it's entirety, so that it looks damn sexy. Example; Alot of folks at New Species CrossFit (www.unleashtheevolution.com) ask me to help them with Muscle Ups. I am not tooting my own horn on this one. If I were, wanting to toot my own horn that is, I would get a third rib removed and never leave home...Remember we're talking about "tooting one's own horn"....betcha' never thought about it in the fucked up way I just made you....did ya'? If I could actually perform that move, would it be gay? I mean if you're gay that's fine, I'm not, but I already toss off now and then, and that's not gay....hmmm. Back on track.... there really are some coaches and athletes that want the secret to my Muscle Up....Really! I'm not fucking lying! Before I coach you through this example, I want to share with you 3 stages of development for an athlete. This not only applies to athletes, but really anyone trying to gain the knowledge and skill to perform something new.
The first stage is when the athlete is new to something. The brand spanking new FNG is entered into a stage known as Unconsciously Incompetent. In other words, the athlete doesn't know what they don't know - up from down - right from wrong - efficiency from inefficiency.
The second stage of development in an athlete is known as Consciously Incompetent. This athlete has been in practice long enough to mentally figure out what's what. However, this athlete still doesn't know how to physically get the work done, or in this case the movement or the task.
The third and final stage of an athlete's development is known as Unconsciously Competent. THIS is the stage we all should shoot for. This stage defines proficiency of the task, movement or challenge. At this stage, the athlete has developed the whole package. Development is such that when one becomes Unconsciously Competent, the body just takes over....not alot of thought involved to accomplish the task. In other words, the big stuff is on cruise and the athlete can now polish and craft the movement so that it becomes beautiful, an artform if you will.
BACK TO MUSCLE UPS- If I were to coach you on MU's I would first take a look at how stable you are in extension over the rings (have the end in mind before you begin)....Let's say you're moderately stable in that position. I would then cue you up on a series of progressive movements that will help develop the strength to perform High Dead Hang Ring PullUps (think knuckles to nipples). Next I would cue you on a series of movements and concepts that will help you with grip, hand and body position management and transitions. Prior to all of this, I would walk you through a full session of shoulder mobility and an overall dynamic warm up so that we have you completely warm. From that point forward, we would practice these items with regularity and in the proper order. I like to call it "Best Practices". WarmUp-Progressions-Execution; In that order. By doing so we are laying the groundwork and setting the wiring for you as an athlete to perform a very good Muscle Up. We attack the overall objective by getting you through the 3 stages of athletic development. We get you from Step 1 to Step 2 and onto Step 3 by teaching you how to combine your entire skill set over time.
Act in the present. In other words, THINK about what you're doing at the moment you're doing it. Practice strict from the start. No shortcuts. Be aware of a proper setup before you begin. Be aware of good positions and bad positions in the pull, the transition, the press and finally a proper recovery that will put you in position to repeat the movement without coming off the rings. Beyond that stage, start working on fast repeats or performing successive MU's. Once you become Unconsciously Competent with the MU, you can then begin messing with rep schemes, loads, tempo changes and so on.....
As athletes we really have to do our best to hold ourselves to high standards, the highest in fact. Without standards and Best Practices there will be inefficiency and potentially....INJURY. Within our MU practice example, there is an order to when and how your muscles fire. So if your coach states that they are helping you to develop the neuro-pathways necessary, or the kinesthetic awareness to execute a movement - Please know that "Coach Fancy Talker"is trying to set you up for success. A great coach needs to help connect the dots for the athlete. Imparting knowledge and putting that knowledge into action properly WILL create a better athlete.
In the end......the more you utilize Best Practices in the Box and in life, the more you become successful when executing the task objective you're called upon to do so.
Take the time to be a Patriot - The following was our tribute to Chris Kyle who was killed by gunshot on Saturday, February 2nd at a shooting range in Erath County, TX, reportedly by a veteran that Kyle had brought to the range to help deal with post-traumatic stress disorder. Also killed was Kyle’s friend, Mr. Chad Littlefield. Chris Kyle was 38.
Serving 10 years as a Navy Seal, Kyle was the recipient of two Silver Stars, five Bronze Stars with Valor, two Navy and Marine Corps Achievement medals and one Navy and Marine Corps commendation; Kyle served four tours of duty in Iraq and is survived by his wife and two children.
In Chris’ last interview, he spoke about how he wanted to be remembered, his legacy: “I would love for people to be able to think of me as a guy who stood up for what he believed in and helped make a difference for the vets,” he said. “You know, somebody who cared so much about them that he wanted them taken care of.”
"Chris Kyle - New Species Hero W.O.D."
**10 Rounds FTx in honor of Chris’ 10 years of Military Service –
Stationary Lunge x10alt. w/KB Rack Hold (2/1.5pood)
Lateral Bar Hop x20
Deadlift x3 (Rx Load:70% 1rm)
Stay Strong!
Peace - Johnny
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