A Dirty Shame, Zumba, Mee-Maw and Life's Reward

Let the record state that I have now started and not finished three, yes three, blog entries since my last post in January of this year.  It's a dirty shame really.  A shame because it's not exactly how I run my life.  A shame because some of these "incompletes" had, in my opinion, useful information to share with you.  A shame because sometimes certain patterns tend to develop in the day to day, which in turn ends up sucking the marrow out of life.

So what has happened since the last Johnny's WOD blog entry.  From a fitness perspective, I have been locked in on Zone Performance Nutrition and I've never felt/performed better in my life. My family each progressed in life by one year.  Meaning, my beautiful wife became even more beautiful.   My Son turned 15.  My daughter turned 12 (God help the poor sonofabitch that first asks her on a date.......he's gonna get hurt.)  My Dad turned 81 (even better).  I unknowingly suffered a calcaneus fracture in my right foot....long story (we're all broken somehow). The CrossFit Open happened and I didn't compete.  Marcella Morrill made it to the Central Regional and finished 17th (pretty cool).  I stopped wearing Oly Shoes and nailed down my overhead flexibility. I'm back in O-Shoes again.   New Species moved into a great space....the shitters were backed up there for a bit which kept life interesting.  I'm still not on Facebook and as a consequence succeed in failing at knowing certain "goings-on" at New Species CrossFit......but I don't give a fuck.  The gym is a critical part of my life but not one that I want to control me.....takes the fun out of it.  That said, I know what I "need" to know. Who's diddling who has never been something I cared about.  I say diddle who you want.  Just don't commit adultery or covet thy gym mate's mate....that'd ruin the place.    On another note, I turned 48.  I drank alcohol on an estimated 9 occasions.  There are a few good humans at New Species that have recently started referring to me as "Mee-Maw".  This name has been made famous by the hit TV show "The Big Bang Theory" and happens to be the nickname of Sheldon's maternal grandmother.  Call me old.....doesn't matter...I find it funny.  Turns out that I can move with the best of them......and they're all great and continue to get better. Truth is I tolerate all of it because the trade-off is totally worth it.  For me there in lies one of the true rewards of life.  The reward is to be a part of a community that is comprised of so many like-minded creatures.  I have given much to CrossFit and CrossFit continues to give back to me.  For every little bit that I put forth in the gym, whether it's coaching, training, sharing advice or simply providing an opinion, the feedback and the results are by far some of the most rewarding experiences one could find anywhere on earth.  The only other place I find that in life is in my faith.  The two tend to run parallels for me.

The list of happenings goes on and on.  Some athletes come and some go.  Some stand the test of time and others fade with effort that mimics that of a road flare. In other words, bright to dim in a short amount of time.  That last statement is not a judgement by the way.  It's simply an observation.  Remember, I'm not on Facebook or Twatter or Instagram.  My observations are collected simply by seeing with my own eyes....live and in person.  I once loved Facebook but found it sucking the time out of my life and the life out of my time.  I've summed up leaving the site by stating to many that I am simply "not strong enough for Facebook anymore".   Some make changes in life OR they let life change them.  Either way, choices are made.  My hope for anyone reading this is that you choose to continue moving.  I don't quite care if it's CrossFit, Zumba, Curves or Jazzercize.....as long as you move your ass more than not.  Given that effort, you'll have a better chance at some level of life.

Whatever happens between now and my next post will be awesome.  There is not another blogger who is anything like me.  That is what is great about this life.  We all have our own DNA.  Our own recipe of what keeps us down, what keeps us up, what drives us and what we want to leave as our mark in life.

With nearly 10 years of CrossFit under my belt, I intend to remain focused on human movement and performing it more properly than I have ever been capable of.  I am proud to be an ambassador for the CrossFit training methodology.  It has made me a better Husband, Father, Son, Brother, Uncle, Friend.....Human.   If you practice CrossFit or any sport that helps make up it's foundation, please do it better than yesterday..... everyday.  If you need some help, let me know.  You know where to find me.

Parting Words
World-Class Fitness in 100 Words:
Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast. Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports. ~Coach Greg Glassman, CrossFit Founder and CEO

Stay Strong!
Peace - Johnny

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