Friday - Day#1 of 3:1 Cycle

  • Foam Roller - Free Elements
  • Bird Pickers x10
  • Leg Swings - Lateral/Straight  x10
  • Burgener Warm Ups 3x3
  • Bushman Pose x1 minute
  • Shoot Throughs x20
  • Para-Plyo Jump x10 (Hands on/behind head - Deep Squat to High Jump & Landing)
  • Hanging Hollow Rock
  • Samson Stretch x10

"Filthy 50's"
  • 50 Box jump, 24 inch box
  • 50 Jumping pull-ups
  • 50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
  • Walking Lunge, 50 steps
  • 50 Knees to elbows
  • 50 Push press, 45 pounds
  • 50 Back extensions
  • 50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
  • 50 Burpees
  • 50 Double unders

 **This is a benchmark W.O.D. - Please post time to comments for your records!  If you do not post then your efforts are useless.
**Equipment: Ball, Barbell, 1pood KB, Pull-Up, 24" Box, Jump Rope

Stay Strong!


  1. Damn you fireman Dan! You put this in Johnny's head.

  2. I'll have to see if I can find equipment for all these. Maybe thrusters for the pull ups. Not sure about jump rope. I didn't think to bring it with me.

  3. 23:28. With these subs - 20/10/20 KTE/HHR/SitUps. 400M row sub for BE. 100 singles JR.

  4. 27:59 Randall informed me on the way home that it was 50 push press not 50 shoulder press that I did. No wonder my shoulders were ruined for wall balls and burpees. 20kte 30 situps. 400m row. 100 singles. need to shake this bullshit cold.

  5. 21:47 with 25 KTE, 25 situps, 400m row, 100 singles. My hands are like hamburger. Nothin like a good chipper wod to f up your holiday weekend.

  6. 18:31 Rx'd w/24"Box....The New Garage Gym works great! I slowed down alot on the K2E....1minute PR for me...this one's always a smoker!!!!! -Johnny

  7. 25:42 - mixing things up, getting strange looks.
    50 stair jumps
    50 spu on balcony hand rail for jumping pu
    50 35# db swings for kb, not a smooth movement
    50 40# db push press
    50 situps for kte
    50 20# thrusters for wb shots
    100 jumps (hands out) for double-unders
