Trey - 278 Randal - 250 Johnny - 362 Joe - 227 Rob S. - 262 Rob D. - 309 Jay - 180 Mike - 259 |
Fight Gone Bad was a BLAST!!!! We battled together this morning and it was great! Mr. Dwortz made me question myself and my training.....bottom line, there's always time to embrace that which sucks...So I embraced it...face to face. We train for the unknown and the unkowable. I found fulfillment in both categories this morning. Fight Gone Bad IS dreadful but not high ranking on my S#i*List. My approach is to simply look at it as JUST 17 minutes....We live and breath often in that time bad can it be? It's Fight Gone Bad!!! It always results in physical duress. This we know. The rest is always up to you and as you all know, it's mostly a mentlal game. Once the smoke cleared, we looked Beaten but not dead. Everyone bonded this morning. I know it because I saw smiles and emotion and support for our fellow athletes.....Thanks everyone for working hard. Congrats on all the PR's. I know Joe, Trey, myself and Rob D. all hit new heights. The loads were Rx'd for everyone today, the way FGB should be. For our FGB Rookies, you now have a baseline established.
Weekend Tip: Keep some focus on Nutrition. Remember, NEVER 2 BAD MEALS IN A ROW. 7 out of 10 primary meals on plan will sustain you. Anything better than that ratio will give you the most for your money in the CF Arena.
New Member Announcement:
Chris Gannon & Nate Kleinfeldt have been fully On-Ramped and are now welcome to W.O.D. with us for ON-Days. Help coach them by utilizing what you've learned if they show up while I'm gone.
The next cycle begins on Sunday. I will program accordingly. Stay tuned and...
Stay strong!
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