All W.O.D. work in this cycle will take place at the old Dondero Track.  For Equipment Needs - I will text for volunteers to pickup. 
**Warm Ups should be general in nature inclucing Hip/Shoulder Mobility as well as Running Drills with Lateral Movement.  Bushman Pose, Long Stretch and so on...

Sunday W.O.D.
  • 5 RFtx of the following:
    • 100m Sprint
    • 20 SitUp GetUps (full stand between reps)
    • 100m Backward Run
    • 20 Shoot Thrus
Monday W.O.D.
GYMNASTIC/MET-CON *** Equipment: Pull Up Bar - Gym Rings (arrange equipment pickup)
  • 15 Minute AMRAP of the following:
    • Up/Down Bleachers x2 
    • PullUp x10
    • Plyo Bleacher Jump x20
Tuesday W.O.D.
WEIGHTLIFTING/GYMNSTIC/MET-CON ***Equipment: 45# Rogue Bumper Plates + All Kettlebells (arrange equipment pickup)
**Two Athletes can go at one time....9 minutes will allow all athletes to finish within the hour.  Athletes sitting out can keep count for those that are performing the W.O.D..
  • 9 minute AMRAP of the following:
    • 45# Plate Shuttle Run x40 yds. (20 out 20 back)
    • Games Burpee x3 (No-Clap/Jump on plate)
    • Right Handed Russian KB Swing x5
    • Left Handed Russian KB Swing x5
Stay strong!


  1. Sunday - 13:01
    Monday - 9 & 2/3

  2. Sunday - 16:23 (i don't want to talk about it)
    Monday - 8 & 1/2

  3. Day 1: wu: air squats runs ( but kicks, knees ) 4.1 mile run 10*10 gpu's*10 sit ups, not for time.

    Day 2: run warm up for one mile to big hill, 15 min amrap 1*110 meter up hill run, then down hill, 10 gpu 20 tuck jumps; 8 rounds 16:00

  4. Phone died in the night, misssed Tuesday. Now I get to look forward to a bunch of hazing texts from Ceaser.

  5. "Phone died in the night" = yeast infection.
    10 rounds + 10.

  6. Sun 14:45 (Randall kicked our asses)
    Mon 10 rounds+bleachers, 10 spu, 10 plyo (scaled spu)
    Tues 10 rounds + 20 meters

    Had to go by myself because Randall didn't show.

  7. "Yeast infection" means you need to drink alot of beer, I will do this for you today. Its the least I can do for you way up here in the UP.

  8. On an unrelated note, I have a charity golf outing to raise money for the Cleveland Clinic on August 6th...the round is already paid for, I'm just looking for players. It's an 8:30 shotgun down in Taylor so hopefully won't be that hot, but you'll miss the wod unless you go @ 6. Anyone interested in playing? Lemme know hermitizer@mac.com...thanks!

  9. 6reps 6 times of: DL, HPSDL, FS, PP, OHS, BOR @ 65# + 2mile run. Not timed, just to do it.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.
