Be Grateful - Be Present - Be Happy

Be Present.  I hear it more and more these days and I see it more and more on Social Media.  I wrote about it to some extent back in mid-September 2013

Be Present.  It seems like a cool thing to say, IF you define cool as positive, uplifting or elevating in nature.  But what does it really mean?  I suspect the answer will vary from person to person based on mood, attitude, life experience, etc...    I first learned about the concept of being present from the book  The Precious Present by Spencer Johnson.  It was 1996 and I was a young team leader and sales coach.  I have since then had phases that I would deem as  good "present" behavior.  I have also had bouts of what I would term as "past-future" behavior, and that's not good in general.  To put it plainly, "Being Present"  is about focusing one's energy on what is happening NOW.   Past-Future is not NOW.  It seems so simple and fundamental, and to say it is far easier than putting it into practice.  Let's not be hypocrits here, we're all guilty of basking in yesterday.  We also have a propensity of working too many hours and therefore a habit of visualizing what the outcome will be.  Call them dreams, goals, objectives.....makes no difference to me.  It's good to have something to shoot for.  But always keep in mind when formulating your objectives; Have the end in mind before you begin.  That last sentence sounds somewhat contradictory to being present doesn't it?  Well it's not, and here's why.  When you set goals you make a determination of what it is you want to shoot for.  Upon doing so, you then plan the steps it takes to achieve that goal.  Finally, you should associate a realistic time as to when you would like to achieve that goal.  Each step of the plan is exactly what you must focus on in that very moment, NO MORE - NO LESS.  Not the past and not the future.  JUST the here and now.  Get it?  Got it? GOOD! 

Back in September, I wrote "Be present and you'll always be happy - Be present and you'll be healthy - Be present and you'll get more out of life...walk into the box and forget about everything in your life - just focus on the present - it's why you arrived in the first place....trust me - do this and you'll be happy."  The last word - "HAPPY".  I can speak from experience, when I'm happy, so are others around me.  Happiness is contagious.  Happiness amplifies any situation.  Happiness makes us better.  Perhaps you've heard it said that laughter is the best medicine.  If you haven't then I'd like you to take notice as to how you feel the next time you laugh.  I've noted that no matter what my mood is that the very reaction of laughter serves me as a form of relief.  Laughter is a breath of fresh air for your friend that is down.  Laughter is medicinal for all in all times.  Even at the wrong time, laughter is almost always acceptable.  Laughter is even forgivable.  We all have a friend that can take things too far, yeah it might piss you off, but if laughter was involved? Free pass I say. I've even witnessed it at funerals. 

In the end, I see all of this as a reason to be grateful for what you have.  We all have something to be grateful for.  Sure, there are struggles and hard times, and let's face it, life can throw us some real shit here and there.  But we're alive.  We have air to breath and opportunities everywhere if we really put our minds to it.  I've said it before and I will say it again, Life is CrossFit and CrossFit is life.  Anything can be related to CF.  At times CF is the enemy that you must face.  Other times it is your only friend.  Still other times it is a proof source as to who you are, what you are and/or what you aspire to be.  No matter your classification, BE GRATEFUL.  BE PRESENT.  Arrive at the box, keep in mind why you're there and let it rip in the best way you fucking can as often as possible. 

That is all.


Stay strong!
PEACE - Johnny

W.O.W. (WOD OF the WEEK)
*CAUTION - This will sting a bit......
x8 Bar Facing Candlestick
x10 WBS (30/20)
x40m OH Carry  (155/110)
12min. AMRAP

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